Pornography Addiction Cycle

The "acting out" (engaging in an activity that you consciously didn't want to engage in) usually starts out with a trigger, which is interpreted by your brain at a subconscious level, and results in a strong emotion, such as excitement. Only then do you get a thought in your conscious brain!

Think about it! In our society, most of the people hold a belief that we are primarily motivated by our thinking. This, however, is not entirely true! In fact, as much as 90% of our daily behaviors are motivated by our subconscious brains.

To make things worse, once our body begins a chemical response, it overrides our cognitive ability. Meaning, we still are aware of what is going on, but unable to make an accurate, rational evaluation of our behavior and upcoming consequences.

Immediately after the internal chemical release, our body begins to change (we will talk more about it in upcoming sections). This really is our last line of defense.

The second thought is our last chance to realize what is happening and to take emergency actions to save ourselves (we will talk a lot more about this as well).

If we were not able to break the cycle, chances are we will end up giving in, and engaging in the behavior.

After the "acting out" part is complete, our brain goes off the auto-pilot, and we are back to our normal selves. This is when we are usually able to look at the situation logically, and realize what has happened.

A common reaction to this realization is to feel intense negative emotions, such as guilt and self-hatred. This approach, however, only strengthens our addiction. It keeps us from taking constructive action.

Remember, we do bad things, but we are not bad people!

Did you notice that I skipped one of the items on the list – vulnerable time? Mark Kastleman, founder of Candeo Can, came up with an acronym BLASTed, which stands for: Bored, Burned Out, Lonely, Anxious, Afraid, Angry, Stressed, and Tired.

Another acronym that is commonly used in the 12 steps community is HALT: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired.

During the vulnerable times, our conscious brain loses the ability to see things clearly. That is when our subconscious brain is more likely to take over. And we already know where this is going to take us.

You can avoid vulnerable times by beginning to take good care of yourself. Simple things like getting plenty of sleep, eating properly, drinking enough water, and journaling to de-clutter your brain can go a long way. In the future chapters, we are going to talk a lot more about things that you can do to bring about peace and calmness into your life.

In the next chapter, we are going to take a closer look at how the human brain has developed over time.

Stay safe!

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Anonymous said...

The table illistrates the situation i am in very accurately

Anonymous said...

thanks for posting this... seriously.

FeedTheRightWolf said...

Thank you for reading it!

Anonymous said...

thanks much

Anonymous said...

Excellent description and illustration of the process, it is exactly what happens. Thanks for posting it!

Anonymous said...

This is very valuable and constructive explanation. It seems ecerything is true what is described. Thanks a lot.

Michael said...

For me too, this is an accurate chart.

I'm so sick of it. I am really looking forward to being clean after too many wasted years

Anonymous said...

Just what I needed! The description is so accurate, it's nice to know I'm not alone in this struggle. I've beat drugs and alcohol, now for this demon to be gone! Thank you and God bless you for providing this resource. It's people like you who make this world a better place. Wish me luck my friend-AND GRACE!

Anonymous said...

I am scared, embarrassed, frustrated, guilty. I am a grown man! Why me?

Anonymous said...

I am in the fourth stage god help me !

Anonymous said...

finally...after all this years...I've been searching for cure on this demonic habit...thank you so much and GOD bless you for posting this...GOD have answered my prayer...thank you lord...

Anonymous said...

I never though that porn addiction is real, but after reading the info on this site I now truly understand it. This site is beyond awesome and amazing... it really explains what and why I am going through right now.

Anonymous said...

Please pray that as i read this article that this dirty thing leaves my life. I feel so ashamed and terrible. God help me.

Anonymous said...

I am a porn addict too and I have found great help in the forum above, god bless!

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