Short on time? Skip the videos and read the rest of the article including 5 things that you can do today to help your porn addicted husband and yourself.
Click Here to watch the rest of the video series.
Is Your Husband Addicted to Pornography?
Possibly, a more helpful approach is to avoid thinking in terms of black and white, but rather to take a closer look at what extent pornography affects your husband. In his book, “Treating Pornography Addiction” Dr. Kevin B. Skinner recommends looking at various levels of behaviors associated with pornography use.
Level 1. Mild exposure – once or twice a year, no effect on regular life.
Level 2. Pornography use does not indicate addiction – occasionally looking at pornography with increased interest.
Level 3. Signs of trouble – person looks few times a month, usually tries to avoid it, but occasionally urges get so strong that it cannot be controlled, and person gives in.
Level 4. Individual notices increased sexual fantasies, and attempts to control them, which results in stronger withdrawal symptoms.
Level 5. Pornography impacting day to day living with significant portion of the day spent thinking about pornography.
Level 6. Pornography dominates most of the day to day life, affecting work, school, and personal relationships.
Level 7. Pornography and acting out consumes most of individuals time, leaving him feeling completely out of control.Large portion of men in modern day society fluctuate somewhere between levels 1 and 4 throughout their lives. The real danger comes when men begin to pass these levels. By the time I finally accepted that my pornography use was not healthy I was somewhere in between levels 6 and 7. By that time most men are very likely to cheat or do something illegal.
Worst Case Scenario of Pornography Addiction
One man in my recovery group provides a good example of where excessive pornography use may take a person. He progressed from regular porn, to hardcore porn, to crazy-sick porn. He started looking at dating sites and chat rooms. Eventually he met somebody online who was willing, able, and ready. When he showed up at this person's house he found out that it was a police operation and the guy ended up doing some jail time. I believe this story illustrates really well how little our society understands the negative effects of pornography.
As of writing of this article, I am 2 years masturbation free, and I have not looked at any form of pornography in over 9 months.The only form of sexual stimulation that I receive is from interaction with my future wife, and she says that the last 2 years were the best out of 6 years of our relationship.
I did not get to this point right away though. I was raised thinking that looking at pornography was a normal behavior, and literally almost everybody that I knew did it. If anything, I viewed it as a healthy alternative to cheating. By the time I was 25 I was spending up to 8 hours a day watching porn and even came close to breaking the law before I finally realized that I had a problem.
When my at the time girlfriend first approached me about my pornography use, I thought she was crazy. If it wasn't for her pointing out my behavior, however, I probably would have never connected the dots and continued to act out until I would have ended up breaking the law. So if you do decide to approach your husband about his pornography use, be prepared to defend your position. Chances are he will not be very open minded about it at first.
When my at the time girlfriend first approached me about my pornography use, I thought she was crazy. If it wasn't for her pointing out my behavior, however, I probably would have never connected the dots and continued to act out until I would have ended up breaking the law. So if you do decide to approach your husband about his pornography use, be prepared to defend your position. Chances are he will not be very open minded about it at first.
Negative Effects of Pornography Viewing
We must consider additional negative effects that excessive pornography use can have on an individual and people around him or her.
Some signs of pornography addiction include:
- Being emotionally distant
- Defaulting on commitments
- Decreased sexual interest towards one's spouse
- Decreased interest in healthy activities
- Poor performance at work
- Difficulty concentrating
5 Things that You Can Do Today to Help Your Relationship
- Talk to Your Husband about His Pornography Use
He might not be aware about effect that his pornography viewing is having on your life, and he will never know how you feel unless you tell him. It might not be the most pleasant conversation you've ever had, but it must be done. Bad news never get better over time. - Talk to Other Women Who Had Same Experience
We have a few wives of porn addicts post on our porn addiction forum. Additionally, Daily Strength has a strong community of women who have dealt with their partners addictions to pornography. I've posted more resources in the comment area below. - Consider Installing Accountability Software or Internet Filter on Your Computer
I would not recommend doing it behind your husband's back, but nothing bring honesty faster than knowledge of 100% accountability for one's actions. Two programs that I recommend are Covenant Eyes ($10 per month) which keeps log of all internet activity on a computer and K9 Web Filter (free) which blocks unwanted content. - Educate Yourself About What Your Husband is Going Through
I recommend reading through our Recovery Course. It will help you understand your husband better. Another great site that offers help to people struggling with sexuality related issues and offers partners support is Candeo Can. - Educate Yourself About What You Are Going Through
Consider reading Your Sexually Addicted Spouse: How Partners Can Cope and Heal($9 at Amazon) to help you understand how your husband's pornography use might have caused you psychological trauma.
Hi, I've read your article and thought it was very helpful.
I really need some advice as I think my partner of 9 years is addicted to pornography.
I've always known he had a great interest in porn but its worried me more and more over the years...about 2 years ago he started to bring his sexual fantasies into the bedroom, which I went along with to make him happy, the requests got more and more explicit to the point its ruined my sex drive completely and I can barely bring myself to make love anymore. The other day I looked at the internet history on his phone and found that he veiws about 20 different hardcore porn sites a day at work ( I was shocked to say the least) I confronted him and he admitted he's got a big problem and he viewed them during fag breaks at work.
We have 3 children together and the last thing I want is to end our relationship but I can't deal with this anymore, I've told him numerous times over the years that I don't like him watching it because it makes me feel insecure and self concious.
Please please help me because I really don't know where to turn. :(
Kind regards
Hi Emma. I am sorry to hear about your struggle.
If your partner is interested in getting help, I think this site is a good place to start. If he is ready for more personal help, I would recommend counseling and any 12 step group dedicated to Sex Addiction (Sexaholics Anonymous, Sex Addicts Anonymous, or Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous).
As far as for help for you, I would also recommend a few resources for you.
Online Groups:
Daily Strength Sex Addiction Forum, there are a lot of spouses there, and they are very helpful.
Porn Addiction Forum, also has a spouse section and people are also very helpful:
I would also recommend in-person meetings.
Codependents Anonymous - for all people struggling with troubled relationships:
Co Sex Addicts Anonymous: This group is OK, but my Significant Other(SO) had pretty bad experience with in person meetings, she liked the phone meetings though.
Co Sex And Love Addicts Anonymous:
Best of luck to you Emma, I am sorry you had to go through this!
I've been married for 2 years and have been with my husband a total of 6 years. If you ask my husband he will say he has no problem with porn..I've caught him numerous times over the years. he always lies and says it was a virus or he was just curious.Besides porn he also has a foot and panty hoes fetish. I think what bothers me the most is his lying and sometimes he's just plain sneeking..he comes into bed in the miidle of the night and puts panty hoes on my legs and masturbates. I feel like I'm not enough to satisfiy him plus he seems a little sick to me sometimes..I sometimes wish i could wash my hands of him completly..what should i do?
I also forgot to mention we have a 5 year old son. I've always wanted our relationship to work out expecially for him. But I'm tired of feeling like I'm not good enough for my husband.I'm tired of lies. My husband and I have split before over porn issues and other things but I'm happier without him during those times. I told have to be paranoid that I'm being lied to and I don"t have to sit up awake in bed wondering what he looking at on the computer and I don"t have to wake in the middle of the night with panty hose on me and my retarded husband sucking my damn toes..I don"t know how I ended up with such a freak but I'm tired of being with a sex freak..I know there r men who r actually normal in bed and I wish I had that. I know I can find a person who dosen"t always lie to me...Here's my advice to woman..forget all this adiction crap..these men have no self worth..there pathetic..get rid of them!!!!
i just caught my husband watching porn, but not by walking in on him or any real proof. i just had this sick feeling and confronted him as if i knew and he confessed.he always told me he liked porn but i never seen him watch it, he never bought it and its never been a problem till now. we have two kids and im pregnant now and i just cant handle the stress. i feel ugly,and worthless and every negative feeling a woman can have about herself... i dont even think of sex the same anymore... i feel like hes going to cheat n hurt me and i wont be able to do anything about starting to get a lot of animosity... and i dont want to understand why he does it i just know i hate him for it. i even have nightmares about him cheating on me. i was a confident strong woman untill this came into the picture and now i feel so discusting.... i dont know how to cope.....
My husband and I had been dealing with his addiction for over 12 years now. We went for counseling a few times and that didn't help. He made so many promises and never be truth and honest, even though we are fighting with this together, I have to catch him to get him to admit that he fell back to it. He also claimed that he was just there for fighting stress and was never aroused by this site. Could this be true ? He also think that as long as he was not aroused and did not act out on masturbating himself, he was not cheating on me nor trying to substitute our sex life with the internet porn he was viewing, does this statement make sense to you ? Please advise.
My husband of 7 years watches porn....A LOT (I think). We used to get ridiculous cable bills but i had to put locks on certain channels / ratings, so that has slowed down some. In the past two months i've caught him looking at porn on his iPhone, checking out singles ads on Craigslist, and catching Cathouse on TV (I slipped up and forgot to re-add the parental control locks after getting new service). He knows this upsets me. He knows it causes self-esteem issues for me, especially since the majority of the women he's lusting after are of Caucasian descent and I am not. He knows I view it as cheating - as a man thinketh, so is he....if that woman on the screen that has gotten you to the point of ejaculation is NOT your just cheated. Despite all of these things, he continues to do it. i love him. He says he loves me. i am just SO tired of being hurt SO deeply with this. What do I do? I am not his fantasy....what he desires. Is it time to just walk away? I don't think I should have to sacrifice my heart over and over again for the sake of being someone's "Mrs." - especially when he seems hellbent on hurting me.
HI Alex I have been with my husband for 2 years and at first everything was great but as time went on I noticed he lacked enthusiasm to have sex with me. At first I thought he was cheating until one day i heard him in the bathroom only to discover he had been jacking off. This was an every day thing for a long time until i finally said enough. Well that minimized then it was internet porn and we fought about that then i told him i would make a sacrifice and watch it with him only to discover that when he was arousing me his eyes never left the computer screen. I have cried and screamed and cried and slept alone and sometimes not even slept then i discovered he woudl stare at my sisters breasts who are skinnier than i am only to arouse him to sleep with me that night. this has gone on and on for two years he tried to tell me it was me that i was addicted to sex. I will be honest I love sex but i am not addicted i dont have to have the things he does. Well the lateset was on november 8(his birthday) i came home early from my classes only to walk in on him jacking off to it on the wii. I flew off the handle im hurt and i have spent many nights crying at night i wake up with him rubbing himself this is everynight. I dont know what to do this time he said he would get help. I hope he is right. I dont know how to help or fix this i just want it to stop i have no affect on him waht so ever sexually and when we got to gether it was awesome now its like im a turn off please please help me if you can.
My husband cant get it up unless i let him bring porn in the bedroom. Please help!
I am the wife of a recovering addict. I have only known about his addiction for five days now. My first reaction to this discovery was immediate feelings of anger, jealousy, complete shock,a certain disgust towards him but mostly myself, and the feeling of embarrassment. I have heard about people having addictions to pornography, but I never felt that I had any reason to research this topic. To tell you the truth, I actually thought that people couldn't be addicted to pornography. Immediately, he told me that I do "satisfy" him, that he felt really dirty after he watched the material, he also said that when he does it he actually feels like he is not there (like he becomes someone else until he is done, and then reality hits him). This information, to me, seemed impossible. I couldn't understand how you can be disgusted by something and be aroused to the point of obsessive masturbation all at the same time.(I will continue my story in the next post, due to this post being too large.)
My husband and I have only been married for 8 months. I am 26 years old, and he is 25 years old. Ever since we met, we have had an extremely GREAT relationship. I mean that whole heartedly. We never argue, we never fight, basically we have the type of relationship that just seems "too good to be true". So, when I discovered this addiction it hit me like a ton of bricks. In this past five days, I have only slept about 3-5 hr's in each 24 hr period. I spent a great deal of that time researching his web history. At this point, my trust in him was completely gone. He lied to me about the amount of pornography he watched, he lied to me by saying most of the time he didn't masturbate to it, instead he would just be aroused by it, even after admitting that he was addicted. When I confronted him about these new, unnecessary lies he finally started to confide in me. But,I found myself constantly assessing our future, wondering if I should be selfish and take "the easy way out" since I am not the one with the addiction. Luckily, last night I was feeling so overwhelmed and curious that I googled the words " How to know if my husband is addicted to pornography". I was stunned by all of the links that came up. I have read so many different articles about the facts, opinions, and how to help him. Now I know that he is telling me the truth, and how serious and common this addiction is. I stumbled upon your story, and for the past 4 hours I have been reading every single word of your experience. It has helped me identify his addiction,and prepare myself for the possible situations that may occur on his road to recovery. I am so much more confident in my ability to be really helpful to him, and to get the feelings of jealousy and anger towards him completely out of my system. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I would definitely suggest this site to each and every spouse of an addict. I think that it is just as important for the spouse to be educated on this addiction, as it is for the one who is addicted to read and gain more knowledge on how to overcome his addiction. I am bookmarking your site for my husband because I know this will help him now and in the future. Thank you so very much!
I wanted to thank all of your for taking the time to comment on this post! Porn addiction is a very tricky situation and can be the most devastating for the spouse of an addict.
My heart goes out to you!
If you have an hour of your time, I highly recommend you watching the following video series that provide a very clear explanation behind the brain science of porn addiction and why it became such a great problem in our time.
You're a great person Alex :D
Thanks to your tips and writings, not only have I been better at understanding pornography addiction and ways of abstaining to from it, I have also been seeing multiple positive changes in all areas of my life. I hope you find success in your life and in whatever you do, and I also hope that you keep posting more these beneficial articles.
Hello, I've been married for about 2 months. But I have known my husband for about 2 years and we've been living together for a year n a half... I found out about his use of porn when we first moved in together.... Porn devastates me..... I feel helpless and its so sad because I love him so much and wish that our relationship could be normal..... :(
Nothing good can come out of one partner using porn in a committed relatioship. Porn causes such devastation, and unfortunelly man don't realize it until it's too Kate.... I just want to say I am so sorry for all the women out there dealing withthis terrible issue.... Just know in your heart that it is not your fault.....
i am a wife now of 17yrs and my husband has always viewed some kind of porn and I have never viewed it as a threat until now, our sex life by his standards is now boring and I need to come out of my box. I am by no means opposed to thing like oral sex , anal sex and have even performed on the webcam "no face shots" but various sexual acts and have done the pic thing and video thing as well . My problem is that my husband has over the last 6yrs or so become increasingly more aggressive with demands about sex and is continually telling me I need to expand my sexual experiences and venture out or it will cost us our marriage.He has even disclosed that a person very close to us has been the cam watching us and he set it up and never told me, I felt very violated and betrayed ...he said he was not obligated to tell me and I opened myself up for it when I agreed to do the webcam thing.And has even had webcam sex with various women......... am I wrong to feel the way I do? Am I a proud?
To the anonymous wife of 17 years.
Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and I surely don't claim to have all of the answers. But I cannot help but see what you are describing as unhealthy behavior. Additionally I read that it has got progressively worse over time.
He broadcasted you without your permission? That is crime. I am not sure if you are aware of what kind of pornography your husband is watching, but chances are that too has progressively got worse. And him having web camera sex with women... I don't see how that can be healthy at all either.
You sure are not wrong to feel the way that you do, and please reach out for help. I've provided a few resources in the second comment below this article, I suggest you take a closer look on them.
God Bless You
My husband is almost perfect. I'm reading the comments above and I can relate to them. He has fallen off the wagon again. He doesn't know I know. This time, I'm waiting and observing him. I'm trying to figure out what to do. I know I don't want to leave, but I do fantasize about leaving - funny. The only thing I do know, is my sex drive is gone.
Funny how during the courtship, I really didn't pay attention because the signs were there. Like every other wife, I have tried everything and now I'm trying to live with it but I am so angry. He did not have a pc for 6 months. We were really getting close, or at least I thought.
Anyway, i know how this goes. My father was an alcoholic (aa, alon, acoa, rehab, therapy, domestic disturbance, ...) and he didn't quit drinking until the hang overs became to difficult for him to handle. He didn't quit for his wife and six kids, he quit b/c the consequence become to great. Maybe I need to ratchet up the consequences for my husband, meaning no sex with me.
Hi last anonymous,
I would recommend confronting your husband as soon as possible. There is no need for you to wait for him to fall even further.
Also I am not sure that withholding sex is a good way to increase consequences for him, I think confronting him will do a much better job at that.
At least that is one addict's opinion.
Easy way to confront him is by figuring out what he's looking at first. It's not an easy task, but I used and it was very easy.
Too bad it only works on Windows computers
My husband had been dealing with porn for almost 10 years or even longer prior to me knowing it. 2009 , he slipped before Christmas, and we went to porn addict counseling , he told me that he didn't fit into those groups. He did not masturbate during porn viewing and veiwing porn didn't interfere his job/life besides an escape for a few minutes in between jobs. He slipped again 5 months ago. He refused to go back to counseling because he doesn't think that it work for him. He had installed safe eye on his computer and told me that this time, he wants to try it his own way. He still think he could do it himself, if he fail again, he will admit himself into a help clinic to battle his addiction. Is there a place for addicts to go to battle it ? Do u think that he is being honest with me ? He is not sure if there is this clinic or not, but had agreed that no matter where it is, he will go. Do u think that it is true that some man won't get high from viewing porn ? Do u accept his explaination of viewing it as an addicted past time ?... I am so confused. I only know that his breaking of promises and each time when I caught him, the harder it is to trust him any more. I don't feel secure and find it hard to feel real and happy when I am with him. Everything he does, sometimes feel so fake and unreal. Please advise.
Even if he doesn't cheat, it causes problems. Mine spent hours at night looking at it, had hard drives full of it, underworked (and so not earning money to feed his family) because of it, would look at it downstairs on pc to arouse himself, sprint upstairs and wake me up in bed just to use my warm half-awake body to finish off (should I have felt lucky?). When the newness of our relationship wore off, he had to resort to shouting dirty words, ordering demeaning poses, trying to get me to beg by "not proceeding", and creating these dreadful power-over dynamics in order to make sex with me exciting for him, like the porn he enjoyed collecting. He said he'd stop, and then he just learned some new trick to hide it (turning it into other file types or hiding the images "behind" others, he got really elaborate with it). He claimed not to like the stuff when we got married - I only found out too late. He is a good-looking accountant with IT skills who puts on a sort of lost-little-boy air that appeals to women. He boasts in fact that all sorts of women "wave their panties at him". The saddest thing is that he destroyed two relationships with it and more importantly the behaviour associated with it, and now has some poor new girl snagged and on his line. By the time she does find out and the relationship goes south, and they have had a kid or two, he'll have secured himself rights to control her whole life through the kid (Father's Rights rule in the courts these days) and the common law regime where we live will award him half her house too, the poor woman. I wish I could tell her what awaits her, but she would only dismiss my warnings as the sour grapes of an ex or something, I am sure. I am so SO glad to be rid of this guy (divorce is a formality we still have to go through - I am waiting anxiously to shower his last name off me too). From what a lot of women are saying, a lot of guys do this now (are porn addicts). I won't be bothering to date, I don't think. It is just not worth it!
And yes, you should be concerned if he is looking at illegal stuff (mine always searched for "teens" who "looked shy" - ewwwwwww!). He had a Linux box. The best way to figure out what he is looking at (if it is illegal or it is causing problems in the relationship or leading him to neglect his family) is to google how to hide it. Google is the porn widow's friend too. :) Learn about your computer and read the sites that teach men how to hide it. Such as: etc. if he is an IT guy you will have a real hard time learning as much as he has learned. In general, it is a lot harder to find a guy's cr*p than just checking browser history. A stack of Playboys, big deal, men have always done that sort of thing and that is old school. This is a new phenomenon and it's hurting relationships in a big way.
My husband says, "I just look at it for fun; most of the time don't get turned on by it." I don't buy that for a minute! The ONLY times we have sex, is: if we are drunk, have a/an extra person(s) involved, or's becoming such a turnoff, that I've seeked other attention. He says I'm 'too available'! WTH??? He should be so lucky that he has a wife that is fun and freaky!
I just found out my husband of 12 years has been looking at porn for two years. I found sites on my browser history and he said it was a one time thing. After more browser research on my part I caught him in about three more lies! I am devastated! I feel unloved, ugly etc etc...
I have installed monitoring software, bought a book...
I have read you should not withhold sex so I haven't, but it seems that the porn has been replaced by our sex life! It does not seem like we are talking or healing...just sex. This leaves me feeling dirty!
I need advice on how to handle this. I still feel myself falling into the behavior of just doing it because I do not want to hurt his feelings. Can you believe that! I do not want to hurt his feelings!
I would appreciate any advice!
There's another great tool you can try if you want to know what he's looking at behind your back:
To the wife of 12 years,
Unfortunately what you are describing is very common experience for the wives of porn addicts. The best advise I can give you, as in the article. Try to get in touch with other women who have been through this before. They will be able to give you a much better advice than I ever could.
My husband and I have been married a few months now and we just had a baby. While I was pregnant, I didn't mind him watching porn since I knew he felt uncomfortable with my belly but now that I'm back to my pre-pregnancy figure I found out he was still watching it. We're struggling with bills since I'm still on maternity leave and I saw that he had purchased a membership for porn websites. When I asked if he was still watching porn when I'm not around, his response was because he was bored and that his friends did it, not because he wasn't satisfied with me. I know he works so hard all the time but it bothers me to know that he watches it when he's "bored" but when I tell him I want to have sex, he's too tired. This isn't the first time we've argued about it and every time I express to him how I feel, he says that I wouldn't be able to find a man that doesn't. Am I crazy for feeling this way? Am I expecting too much of him not to watch it?
I never knew whether my ex-partner knew that I looked at porn regularly at night or not. I suppose after several years of me coming to bed at 12am-2am, she must have suspected.
@ last anonymous, there definitely are men who do not watch pornography. So your husband is confused.
That being said, I do believe that he truly thinks this statement to be true. He will continue to think so until he will meet real men, who do not watch pornography. Sex Addicts Anonymous could be such place. Or you can point him to this blog for starters.
Also, while some people may argue that watching pornography is normal and healthy, almost everybody will agree that it is not healthy for it to start to interfere with healthy sexual life.
So I believe you have every right to feel the way that you do.
Hello. My husband and I have been married for seven months. I was aware of his porn collection the day I moved in and asked him to please dispose of it because he had a wife now. He did, with great attitude. He is aware that I had been molested many times as a kid and grew up with pornography in my own home as a child by my mother's boyfriend. It devastated me back then. He promised that it would not be a problem and said that he had grown up. In January, he got a smart phone and have my birthday, I discovered massive amounts of porn on it. I HATED him! I told him I could NOT handle living with that. I felt so ashamed of myself. I felt like I was good enough etc. I am 22 and have recently gone through surgery for endomitriosis and am now on treatments for it. I was unable to have sex for two weeks. But every day, he promised me that he was not looking at porn anymore. That he REALLY grew up this time. However, tonight, I found a video on his phone, again. At first he claimed he didn't know about it. Then said he had deleted it. Claimed it was just one time then let it slip that there hadn't been as much in the range of two months, since my surgery. And he has put ALL the blame on me because of my treatments for endomitriosis. This has hurt me so bad and it's very hard for me to live with. What should I do? Should I suspect cheating? He only does this DURING his job and just a few days ago, when I asked him to call me on his lunch break, he said he couldn't because he got no reception, didn't like phones and needed alone time for himself. He wonders why he doesn't get a promotion..He's admitted to downloading over a hundred videos at word to "destress" please help me! I am so young and so lost and heartbroken as well as full of guilt!
I'm sorry..after my birthday and I didn't feel good enough. I discovered this at 10pm it is not 5am and I just can't sleep or stop crying. I hate myself for what he has done and how terrible this has made me feel. HE also looked me in the eyes the first time and said, "Yes. I enjoy sex. I enjoy watching the act of sex." and said that he doesn't see the female as who she is. But shouldn't I feel offended that another woman's private parts and breasts bouncing around are what is satisfying him though he has put ALL the blame on me and my sickness?
Hi KH,
Sorry to hear that. I just have one comment, your husband said: "Yes. I enjoy sex. I enjoy watching the act of sex." And this is a very strong belief, which is instilled in most men in our society since early age.
I don't agree with it, and many more men find this belief to be a complete bullshit. Yes we were made to enjoy sex, but it doesn't mean we have to enjoy watching other people having sex. Especially if it makes the person that we swore to love and protect so uncomfortable.
I also encourage you to post at our porn addiction forum so you can get more feedback form our members.
i just found out my partner its been watching porn,, he told me he was an adict before we moved together, witch was a month n half ago the history says it was viewed 3 times the same day, at first i freaked out n felt ugly n with an inmense lack of sexyness, iot really hurt me, i read ur article, it help a lot but i still wonder what should i do about nit n if i should even worry about it, truth is it really bothers me cuz we just moved in together
At last anonymous, I think it it affects you in such a tremendous ways you should really tell your husband. Because if you don't deal with this problem now and find an approach that works for both of you, it will only get worse over time.
I've been married for about 3 months and have only known my husband for a year and 3months and we have 3 kids together 2 by marriage and 1 together. I knew about his assesive porn watching before we got married I didn't like it then and I don't like it now, since we had our son, sex hasn't been the same, we might have sex maybe once or twice a week. I love him, I tried talking to him he doesn't think he has a problem, he lies about watching it everyday when clearly he has because I looked at the web History, when I first found out I was so disguisted and I was so angry it made me dislike him for a while, I even tried watching it with him it just made me feel real low about myself, i've watched the people he has viewed and the conversations he's even had with some of these porn chics and he compliments them and doesn't even say that to me which made me feel even more crappier about myself, I feel like I'm just nolt enough and idk what will it take or him to stop watching it, I try doing a lot to get his attention and I've even explaned to him that I don't like it, it hurts me everytime he downloads it and watches it, I'm not an idiot I know and he knows he watches it every day, it even sometimes affect the way I raise our kids sometimes because I feel depressed when I knolw I should b happy, at times I think he's cheating on me and evn when he assures me he isn't I still think he does or wants to and is because he watched that trash on the internet, please help, its making me feel a certain way about him that's not good, I feel like I'm going crazy sometimes, it makes me not like him and just want out, I hate feeling this way, if he don't get help I honestly think its not going work, I don't know what else to do, since I pulled up this article I know I'm not the only one in this situation and it made me feel better about myself and understand its not just me I guess. Please Help, he doesn't want to see anyone, this is my last resort.
Hey I am Ashley have been married for 2 years. I found out my husband was looking at porn 4 months after we got married, I was really upset. So we cut the internet off and started working out and lost 40 pound thinking it would help, but I found out he was still looking at it like at least 4/5 times a week by renting it on the tv, which was costing us alot of money. I was heartbroken. So I put a lock on the tv and it stopped, until about 9 months later we got the internet back thinking I could trust him and the day we got it cut on it started again. I did not honestly know how I felt I was heart broken but I knew it was gonna continue.I am still facing this problem. This is becoming a big problem in our marriage because is it hurting me emotionaly,ever since we have been married 6 months he has problems being intimate with me, another reason its a problem is because it really bothers him,he wants to stop but does not know where to start.
Hi Ashley,
I think this site is a pretty good place for your husband to start. It should point him in the right direction.
Hey Im desperate because since I found out my husbands porn addiction I wasnt sure until how far it was normal OR If it was normal that he would prefer spending time alone watching porn and masturbating than being with me. He was denying and lying but recently he confessed that he missed time alone to watch porn and masturbate. He even asked me to leave home for 3 hours to satisfy his needs...WHAT SHOULD I DO? does he need a treatment??
I just wanted to write to Anonymous, Ashley, anyone else that may be reading this board. I am young, thin, pretty and among other things have breast implants/dye my hair/wear makeup/take general great care of myself. My husband is still an addict, though one in recovery. It does not matter what you look like, what you do or who you are. This addiction has nothing to do with you and most certainly has nothing to do with how you look or perceived inadequacies, please remember that.
Well here goes... My husband and I have been together 15yrs, of which 8 have been in marriage. Two wks after our 1st Anniversary, and by a sad chance I discovered his porn addiction... Not just hardcore porn, but explicit (very) of himself, a secret email account, email relationship w/some sick excuse for a woman, as well as chat room subscriptions and conversation logs. All our arguments during our marriage have been cause of his problem. He had promised on multiple occasions he would stop, seek help (he just counseled w/our pastor), whatever. Recently (being that a few months ago) I found in his iPhone that he was reading porn (fantisies), which he also was into before. But this time it made me sick to my stomach, since it dealt with incest (child-parent)... Though I was sick & ashamed, for some reason, I was angry but not furious. I didn't confront, I just insinuated I knew, and that he was being warned. Just last weekend, I went to him while he was doing laundry (we live in an apt building & the laundry area is separate from the apts) & he turned anxious & practically begged me to return to get him coins for the washer. It surprised me, I asked him if he was ok to which he said yes and then I noticed he had an erection. I was (am) sooo ashamed, and angry... He was behind a counter, which I failed to go around to and check if there was someone hiding... But I asked him and he said he was alone... that he felt "hot" and was thinking (fantasizing)... I'm like "he was aroused doing laundry???" I still have the doubt if he was alone or not. But, the weird thing is, it didn't hurt me as much as in other instances, which has now made me question my feelings for him as well as our relationship. I'm still angry & ashamed of him; we don't have children (which we had talked about a while back but now I DON'T want w/him), and I'm just feeling "numb"... I'm confused in that if we really have a future together. I'm not speaking to him, only what's necessary & he hasn't done an effort to try to fix things (I have always been the 1-step taker, he's never come to me w/a plan or anything to fix... it's always me)... My mind & thoughts are really in a mess right now... What only comes to mind is "I cannot believe this sick f*!" (I'm being honest... please excuse me). Kindly :Me:
This site has been very helpful. Thank you!
I know that my husband has been masturbating because we have a terrible sex life. I'm not really ok with it but we're trying to work on things and I'm glad he isn't cheating on me. Last night I found out that he is looking at porn while he does it. He doesn't know that I know yet. I'm still sorting through all of this in my mind. As far as I know he isn't into anything hard, but I know he can be very sneaky and I have caught him in a few lies about other things in our 3 years of marriage. He always clears his browser history on his phone and we don't have a working computer at the moment. I found part of his stash under our mattress (which makes me sick to think about him being ok with me sleeping right over it). I don't know if I should confront him soon or wait until I know it is a big problem. Like I said, I don't know what all he's into. I know he will deny everything that I don't have proof of and will blame me, saying it's because of our bad sex life. I even found a porn picture on his old phone before we were married and he swore to me it wasn't his. He had just gotten his phone replaced with a refurbished one and kept saying it must have been on there before. I'm not stupid but I let it go-it was one picture. I just dont know what else he is hiding. Sorry for being longwinded. I don't have anyone to talk to about this and I don't know what to do. :-(
I was going to leave it at that but I just can't. He has an addictive personality and will tell you that himself. He told me he was addicted to pills (of various kinds) before I met him. We are on a tight budget and I keep very good track of our expenses, yet cash just seems to "disappear" from his wallet and he has "no idea" what he spent it on. He's weird about me being in the bathroom with him. Almost every time he's in there, he gets mad if I try to come in or even talk to him through the door. He can't be trusted! What was I thinking?! Why did I marry this man??!!
To the last anonymous,
I must admit, at first your post did not sound too alarming. But your second comment got me really worried. Sounds like your husband is definitely doing something shady in the bathroom.
I think you would have to confront him about it, because it sounds like you won't be able to continue ignoring his behavior.
That being said, there is a chance that he will change for the better as a result of that. Please let me know if I can do anything to help. Also you are always welcomed at our for additional support.
Hi My name is Bruno' just want to share my experience with the world on how i got my love back and saved my marriage... I was married for 7years with 2kids and we lived happily until things started getting ugly and we had fights and arguments almost every time... it got worse at a point that she filed for divorce... I tried my best to make her change her mind & stay with me cause i loved her with all my heart and didn't want to loose her but everything just didn't work out... she moved out of the house and still went ahead to file for divorce... I pleaded and tried everything but still nothing worked. The breakthrough came when someone introduced me to this wonderful, great spell caster who eventually helped me out... I have never been a fan of things like this but just decided to try reluctantly cause I was desperate and left with no choice... He did special prayers and used roots and herbs... Within 7 days she called me and was sorry for all the emotional trauma she had cost me, moved back to the house and we continue to live happily, the kids are happy too and we are expecting our third child. I have introduced him to a lot of couples with problems across the world and they have had good news... Just thought I should share my experience cause I strongly believe someone out there need's it... You can email him via Don't give up just yet, the different between 'Ordinary' & 'Extra-Ordinary' is the 'Extra' so make extra effort to save your marriage/relationship if it's truly worth it.
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