Congratulations on Taking Your First Step Towards Freedom!

Your recovery course will start shortly. Additionally you can download a copy of the course for your reference. Please feel free to share this recovery ebook with as many people as you wish, given that you do not modify any of the original content.

Meanwhile, if you haven't already done so, I recommend reading How to Stop Porn Addiction to give your recovery a quick jump start.

Also I would like to remind you that I believe that educating yourself is very important, but it is actions that you take that will set you free. I recommend the following 4 action steps to bring the lasting change into your life.
  1. Read through every article in the Free Recovery Course, and COMPLETE every exercise. You might also find it helpful to journal about your progress on our forum
  2. Sign up for accountability software. I recommend Covenant Eyes at $10 a month, but if you are looking for a free option, K9 filter could work for you. 
  3. Begin attending Sex Addicts Anonymous meetings either in person or over the phone. Yes this program is not perfect. But it does provide a much needed support environment, that I personally was not able to find anywhere else. 
  4. (Optional if you can afford it) Sign up for Candeo Can recovery program at $47 a month, and COMPLETE every exercise that they provide. That is where I learned about 50% of material that you see on this site. If you found this site helpful, please help us spread the word to help other people in need.
I hope you will enjoy our recovery course!

Please feel free to contact me at any time,


christian said...

thanks for the course im coming out of the tunnel

Eric&Dominique LeBaron said...

Thanks for everything... I have just started today and I can start to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Anonymous said...

Alex, you are really giving me hope. I have failed so many times and lost so much because of my addictions. I feel I can finally move forward with confidence with out the constant cycle of failure, which makes me fall deeper. much love

Pal said...

Hey Alex, Thank you so much... Have tried many times but couldn't stop myself. Hoping the best will happen, gonna start the course.

This is a great job by you, Appreciate a ton!

FeedTheRightWolf said...

Thanks guys,

Keep us updated. I really appreciate feedback so I can make this course even better. Lets discover together what works and share it with others.

Anonymous said...

thanx for your help man. I appreciate that.God bless you!

diego said...

alex thankyou so much.. i've been struggling or at least i noticed i was kinda addicted because i treated my girlfriend roughly, and before i watched porn i was soft and.. cuddly.. im 16, i've tried to not watch it with my own will.. but i only last-3-4 days or so... thank you, and i will start the course.

Anonymous said...

This is some thing that has not made me feed abanded by God he has made me go through this alone i have prayed for him to help me my hole life and nothing but lonlieness its nice to know im not alone now stupid week brain stupid cost me my life and my dreams over some retard part of my brain that makes me so mad that kids have to go thruogh this i hate it seems so stupid to think i have been drug down by bying around stupid ass people the first time i felt this stupid way of thinking i sead my GOD is bigger gress i made it mad cos God lelf me to this and my mind changed and the fucking world laughted at me because i believed now i dont have my dreams that God sead i would have i have a bunch of work to do to fix my mind the fix i trusted GOD to fix how can i trust him now this life is nothing i dont want to go to hell but GOD has made me so mad by leaving me is this animal thinking oh make my blood raging mad

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